Home Business The UN agency will hold an all-Ukrainian forum for IDPs

The UN agency will hold an all-Ukrainian forum for IDPs

Photo from eps.unimi.it

On December 3rd and 4th,  UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) along with Kharkiv National University plans to co-host a two-day CBO Forum “Community and Us: Acting Together”, for non-governmental organizations and voluntary initiatives, that work in the east of Ukraine. The forum will take place in the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Strengthening civil society and local capacities in Ukraine is considered a strategic priority of UNHCR in its efforts to provide protection for all groups affected by the conflict.

The Forum program provides a wide range of opportunities for participants to be engaged and to contribute actively to the Forum. The program includes several plenary sessions with invited speakers, expert practitioners and academics, debates on the role of community-based responses to forced displacement, lessons learned and ways of further cooperation.

Panelists at the Forum will discuss a wide range of issues linked to the displacement, ranging from the experience of local community-based organizations, lessons learned by State actors, and results of the research conducted by academics and practitioners to better understand the various dimensions of the situation in Ukraine, including from a gender and age dimension.

You can check the preliminary list of panel discussions here.

Feel free to view the list of pre-planned training sessions here.

For registration and logistics questions, please contact Svetlana Razinkova on 0504405740 razinkov@unhcr.org.

Official Facebook group of the event can be found on the following page.