On November 29th in Kharkiv will be held a flash mob in support of the Global Climate March against changes in climate and clean energy. The action is aimed at supporting measures to save the environment in Ukraine and in the world.

The initiators of the action in Kharkiv invite to join the flash mob in which participated simultaneously the whole conscious part of humanity, reported Kharkiv organizers on their Facebook page. All interested are offered to bring placards, posters, signs and any other attributes calling for environmental awareness, appeals to politicians and to all people.
“Each of us is responsible for the changes in the ecological system of the Earth which are now becoming a real threat to the life of all mankind,” said the organizers of the march in Kharkiv.
Not only Kharkiv but also other Ukrainian cities are planning to hold similar events on this day. The action is coincided with the UN climate summit in Paris.
But the website of organizers reported: “The police have just informed us that the tragic attacks in Paris have made the march there impossible. Now it’s even more important for people everywhere to march on the weekend of November 29th on behalf of those who can’t”.
The schedule of activities in Kharkiv:
November 25, 17:00, “Bunker”. Master-class design of posters and banners, stencils for t-shirts and bags,
November 26, 19:00, Excursion to Chernobyl History Workshop,
November 27, 18:30. Film Screening “Chasing ice”. Chernobyl History Workshop,
November 28, 12:00. Excursion to energopark “Vostok”,
November 29, 12:30. Gathering near Kharkiv Theatre of Opera and Ballet, then the climate march and flash mob.