Home Culture Kharkiv celebrated the second anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity

Kharkiv celebrated the second anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity

Photos from city.kharkov.ua

November 21 held a rally to celebrate the anniversary of euromaidan near the monument of Shevchenko in Kharkiv. On this day Ukraine celebrated the Day of dignity and freedom.

The event was attended by representatives of political parties and public organizations, as well as representatives of local authorities, veterans of ATO, volunteers and clergy.

The participants hold a minute of silence in memory of the heroes of Heavenly Hundred and soldiers who died in the ATO zone. They laid flowers and sang the national anthem of Ukraine.

The head of the regional administration Igor Rainin said: “The events that changed Ukraine began two years ago. They made the whole world look at us with different eyes, to admire our spirit, love of freedom and courage. We must honor the memory of those who gave their lives for us to live in a free European country”.

Reference. November 9, 2015 the President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on the celebration of the country’s “Day of dignity and freedom” on November 21 as this day is the anniversary of the signing an association agreement with the European Union, which escalated into a revolution of dignity.

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