Home Business Electric cars could cheapen in Ukraine

Electric cars could cheapen in Ukraine

Photo from Nissan Motor

In case of adoption of draft bills 1674 and 1912 in the second reading by the Verkhovna Rada, electric vehicles will go down in value by 28% in Ukraine, as the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade stated.

It is worth noting that on May 21st, MPs have already supported the bills in the first reading, but they didn’t have time to consider it on November 12th because that day the Parliament devoted to consideration of economic issues.

“A team of our Ministry hopes that the Council will return to consider the bills as early as next plenary week,” – representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade said.

The bill 1912 provides for a temporary exemption, until January 1st of 2020, from VAT and excise tax on import operations of “green” cars to the customs territory of Ukraine.

The second bill proposes to amend the Customs Tariff of Ukraine and cancel import duty on vehicles equipped with electric motors. As known, both bills were adopted in the first reading of the on May 21st, 2015.