Home Business IT field is recommended to make friends with Fiscal Service

IT field is recommended to make friends with Fiscal Service

Photo from http://www.depo.ua/

In order to avoid searches with participation of armed special forces, IT companies must independently inform the State Fiscal Service (SFS) about companies which violate regulations (hacking, fraud, etc.).

Such communication will be beneficial for the both parties, as the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Maxim Nefedov, stated at the meeting with representatives of IT-business.

“The SFS workers assured that all the initiated inspections focused exclusively on serious violations, such as provision of fictitious services, misuse of tax credit or foreign accounts. IT field is sometimes used for shady transactions, cash withdrawals, etc.,” – the First Deputy Chairman of the SFS, Sergey Bilan, said.

According to Roman Nasirov, a representative of the SFS, the solution might be to develop a list of criteria indicating possible violations. A company must declare about these indicators independently. If there are no such signs in a company, it means that it doesn’t make something wrong, so the SFS wouldn’t check it. Conversely, if there are 60-70% of the indicators, then such a company should be checked at first.

Roman also noticed that some of these criteria could be applied next year, subject to legislative approval.

Photo from http://donbass.ua/
Photo from http://donbass.ua/

According Nefedov, previously the SFS inspected only small IT companies. They were looking for “salaries in envelopes” and other criminal schemes of the owners’ enrichment.

Since September law enforcement officers raided and blocked the work of five IT-companies, three of which are located in Kharkiv.

Kharkiv IT-companies owners have announced the establishment of mobile units for rapid response to law enforcement efforts to block their work. In the opinion of IT business leaders regular searches are no more that efforts to take money from a successful business.