Home Business How much gas is extracted in Kharkiv region?

How much gas is extracted in Kharkiv region?

Photo from bookvaeshka.ru

Every year in Kharkiv region various enterprises extract about 8-10 billion m3 of natural gas, representing more than 41% of the total production of the country.

Natural gas extraction was as follows:

  • In 2011 – 9.1 billion m3
  • In 2012 – 10 billion m3
  • In 2013 – 9.6 billion m3
  • Now this figure is 6.95 billion m3

According to the information provided by the Department of Statistics in Kharkiv region, for last 9 months the volume of natural gas production amounted to 6.95 billion m3. It is worth mentioning that 92% is provided by the enterprise “Ukrgasdobycha.” While the share of commercial structures (10 enterprises) accounts for 8% of the total volume.

There are more than 62 deposits with balance reserves of natural gas of 363 billion m3 in Kharkiv region, according to “Geoinform Ukraine” for 2013.

The enterprise “Shebelinkagasvydobuvannya” for 9 months of 2015 has been developing 32 deposits. Also, to increase the resource base of Kharkiv region, it was carried out the exploratory drilling totaling to 347.8 million hryvnias and seismic operations priced at 15.8 million hryvnias, as the press service of the regional council said.