Home Kharkiv Free rehabilitation of wounded ATO soldiers by using cold in Kharkiv

Free rehabilitation of wounded ATO soldiers by using cold in Kharkiv


“We deal with cryotherapy, rehabilitation, rejuvenation. Our cryosauna helps to reduce fears and various stress conditions. I suggested government agencies to bring soldiers here but my proposal wasn’t supported. Therefore, we began to rehabilitate fighters who returned from the ATO area by ourselves,” said the director of the Institute for Applied Cryology Sergey Uvarov.

According to him, cryotherapy allows to accelerate the rehabilitation several-fold. After cryochambers the body of the patient produces endorphins, and fear disappears without the use of any drugs.

sergey_uvarov“We have a method that accelerates and enhances rehabilitation several-fold. A psychologist has to spend a month and a half for rehabilitation, and we do it in 2-3 times faster. The most important is cryotherapy. A person in the cold chamber with temperature – 70° C undergoes a short stress. A body begins to produce hormones including endorphins,” said Sergey Uvarov.

About 30 soldiers underwent such procedures in the Institute for Applied Cryology, 25 soldiers are waiting for the similar treatment.

Natalia Lysenko, medical director of the psychological rehabilitation program and military medic told about the complexities of work with wounded ATO soldiers and success of rehabilitation.

“Thanks to cryotherapy we can reduce the consumption of drugs because it is important for people who have been wounded,” said Natalya Lysenko.

According to her, patients’ recovery depends not only on themselves but also on society.

Today the Institute of Applied Cryology doesn’t receive funding from government. The fighters who returned from ATO are treated on the money from cosmetic procedures. The director of the institute said that they are ready to admit for treatment 100 people per month, if the government is interested in the return of soldiers to a normal life and their rapid socialization.

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