Home Kharkiv Interactive map of appeals to city council was created in Kharkiv

Interactive map of appeals to city council was created in Kharkiv

The employees of the public utility company “City Information Center” launched an interactive project – the map of appeals to Kharkiv City Council. It is already available for the Internet users in test mode.

“Everyone can get acquainted with the already registered on the site appeals to the mayor or to draw up a new appeal in electronic form. The users can also choose the period of the display of appeals on the map, the status or the desired category,” said the developers of the program.

It is enough just to specify the contact information, address and text of the message to leave the application on the site. Now there are already 223 appeals marked on the map. People are interested in issues of housing and communal services, completion of subsidies, privatization of land, welfare assistance.

screenshot of the interactive map of appeals

All appeals of the citizens are automatically readdressed to the employees of the document management department of the City Council. The employees of the Department process information and register it to the electronic document management system of the City Council. After the registration of the appeal the sender will receive the letter on the e-mail with an assigned number. And with the help of the assigned number it will be possible to monitor the implementation of the appeal.