Today, 90,000 programmers work in Ukraine and a quarter of them are in the top 25 of the local IT-companies. A year ago in our country there were 75,000 developers, nowadays their number has increased to 90,000. Thus, the growth was approximately 20%. But at the same time, 5% of the developers leave Ukraine annually to work abroad.
Development is concentrated in five cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odessa. 86% of all programmers work in the aforementioned locations. Moreover, almost half of the total IT market is accumulated in capital.
In September 2013, about 900 jobs were posted on receiving 1,000 applications. September 2015, there were 1,500 jobs and more than 4,000 applications.
It should be noted that there are no growth or decline in wages (in dollar terms). The situation is stable.

One should not rely on the average value, but it is better to use payroll widget on DOU or
Statistical data is based on the studies of DOU – Ukrainian programmers community, vacancy statistics and