Home Kharkiv Local elections 2015 in Kharkiv in brief

Local elections 2015 in Kharkiv in brief


By 8 pm on October 25 the voter turnout in local elections in Kharkiv was 45.6% and in Kharkiv region amounted to 42%, reported the Kharkiv city election commission. In absolute numbers 493, 217 thousand from 1,82 million Kharkivens voted in the first capital.

The head of Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Kharkiv region Igor Nazarenko said that in general the plebiscite passed quietly and without massive violations. This became possible thanks to the preparatory work and the help of volunteers mainly thanks to civic network “Opora”.

“75 allegations of violations of the law which includes five with signs of criminal offenses were recorded on election day: the loss of ballot box seal by the chairman of the one of the polling stations in the Frunze district, bribery of voters in Bogodukhov and Chuguyev districts, bodily harm in Lenin and Dzerzhinsky district. All the facts are documented,” said Igor Nazarenko at a briefing.

1445810454_sobolevThere is a high probability of massive vote rigging in Kharkiv. Therefore, law enforcement sources and members of election commissions of Kharkiv reported about requirement to carry out from the PEC to the territorial election commission not only voting results reports but also the ballot box seals, said the MP from the merger “Samopomosh” Yegor Sobolev on Sunday evening.

The group of People’s Deputies follow the progress of the vote counting in Kharkiv. Among them Yegor Sobolev, Semen Semenchenko, Roman Semenuha, Yaroslav Markevich.

Recall that according to exit polls, the victory in the elections of the mayor of Kharkiv won the acting mayor Gennady Kernes (58.9%) in the first round. And according to the published polls, four parties passed to the City Council: “Vidrodhzennia” (48.8%), “Samopomosh” (15.7%), Block Petro Poroshenko (6.6%) and “Nash krai” (5.2 %).

City Election Committee will announce the final results of the voting in local elections 2015 at the earliest in three days.