Home Events VII International economic forum “INNOVATIONS. INVESTMENTS. KHARKIV INITIATIVES!” will be held on...

VII International economic forum “INNOVATIONS. INVESTMENTS. KHARKIV INITIATIVES!” will be held on September 4th

On September 4, 2015 VII International economic forum “INNOVATIONS. INVESTMENTS. KHARKIV INITIATIVES!” will be held in the five-star hotel “Kharkiv Palace”. The top-management of the country will discuss the plan of actions for the renovation of the Ukrainian economy.

Besides Kharkiv Regional State Administration and Kharkiv Regional Council, Forum Co-organizers are:

In addition, among the organizers are a lot of other Ukrainian and foreign companies that support the Forum and offer their speakers to be included in its program.

Key topics of plenary sessions and panel discussions of the Forum will be

  • the implementation of Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine – 2020”,
  • the results achieved and plan of further actions to reform the local government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine,
  • export promotion and attraction of investments in Ukraine,
  • new opportunities for public-private partnerships,
  • practical steps to create “electronic government”,
  • interaction of local communities and oil and gas industry: practice for sustainable development Kharkiv Region,
  • creating an effective system of production and processing of agricultural products,
  • investment projects that will receive funding from the State Fund for Regional Development,
  • development of international integration, preparation for privatization of state enterprises.

The Speakers of the Forum are the top officials at the system of public administration and local government, top-managers at transnational corporations and financial institutions, leading Ukrainian and foreign experts.

Forum Organizing Committee

Adress: 5, Svobody Square, Derzhprom, 7th entrance, 8th floor, office 842, Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine
Теl.: +38 (057) 702-11-33, 702-13-66, (095) 631-61-85
E-mail: forum@led.org.ua, Dudka.Alex@gmail.com

More information on the topic here.