Home Business “Turboatom” signed a contract with India

“Turboatom” signed a contract with India

Photo from www.turboatom.com.ua

PJSC “Turboatom” (Kharkiv) and Trafalgar (India) on February 1st signed a contract on equipment supply, as “Turboatom” reported on its official website.

Under contract, the enterprise will supply spare parts for power equipment of 4 turbines operating at nuclear power plants Rajasthan and Kaiga in India. This is the first contract for supply of spare parts for Indian nuclear turbines. The term of equipment delivery is scheduled for 2016.

The parties also agreed to sign next contract for supply 2016 of spare parts to hold scheduled repairs at the nuclear power plants. The document is planned for conclusion within 2-3 months.

According to the CEO of Trafalgar Rajiv Hariharan as for today there is all the grounds to continue doing business with “Turboatom”: “Your enterprise can provide technical support for previously supplied turbines by “Turboatom” for power plants of National Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL)”.

Naval Attaché of the Embassy of India in Ukraine Siddhartha Sant attended the contract signing. He noted that during many years, “Turboatom” cooperates with NPCIL: “We hope that even more equipment of “Turboatom” will work in India, and this contract is the first step.”