On September 8th, several dozen seniors came to a meeting which was held on the Constitution Square, in front of the Kharkiv historical museum.
The main requirement of the resolution adopted at the meeting: “We demand an immediate and full indexation of pensions and salaries, taking into account the real indicators of inflation in Ukraine. It’s not fair to save at the expense of the poor!”
The participants collected signatures on a resolution in support of the demands. The resolution, along with the collected signatures, will be forwarded to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada and Prime Minister of Ukraine.
Chairman of the Party of Pensioners of Ukraine, Mykola Kukurikа, believes that the government is being manipulative with the increase of salaries and pensions.
“The increase in average was about 100 UAH. In fact, this increase had been planned while creating the state budget for 2015, so the Pension Fund should just execute the law, because its budget was formed based on these expenses,” explained Kukurikа.
In fact, such an increase does not change anything. Ukrainians do not feel the difference by raising social benefits, because these 100 UAH are already “eaten” by inflation.