Home Business Lozova Machinery signs contracts of more than 50 million UAH

Lozova Machinery signs contracts of more than 50 million UAH


“Lozova Machinery” (Kharkiv region), on the results of the exhibition “Agro-2016” which took place in Kyiv in June, signed contracts for the supply of agricultural equipment at a cost of over 50 million UAH, said vice-president of marketing and sales of UPEC Industrial Group Roman Girschfeld, informs Interfax-Ukraine (RU).

08c3c-LM_06“We have signed contracts for the supply of tillage machines to Ukrainian companies totalling 35 million UAH; concluded contracts for the supply of equipment to dealers from Eastern Europe for more than 10 million UAH, and to Moldova and Transdniester for more than 10 million UAH,” Girshfeld said, without specifying the companies.

According to him, the increased demand for equipment of “Lozova machinery”, was due to several implemented innovative solutions.

In particular, disk harrow “Dukat” can save up to 30% of fuel and a 1.5-fold increase performance compared to traditional disc machines by using a spring shank and maintenance-free bearing units HARP Agro Unit.

c290a-DSCF2329__large“Farmers increasingly think over the use of advanced agricultural technologies and resource-saving technology in the face of decline in prices at commodity markets. One such solution is the energy-efficient equipment of “Lozova machinery,” noticed Girshfeld.

6bce2b0a-cba8-459f-955c-45e4602bcd0e-61262-1-61922According to him, the company intends to expand the range of disk harrows and cultivators. In particular, at Field Day on July 21 “Lozova machinery” will present disc harrow “Dukat-6” and the rotary harrow.

BACKGROUND: “Lozova machinery” – a brand of tillage agricultural machinery, manufactured by Lozova forging-mechanical plant, which is part of the UPEC Industrial Group – one of the leading Ukrainian private companies specializing in machine building.

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