Home Business IT Ukrainian startup for temporary pet care

Ukrainian startup for temporary pet care

Photo from infokava.com

Petriek platform is a service for pet owners to be able to connect with those who are willing to take care about their animals when they are on vacation, for example.

Of course, this service is not free.

For all the performers the registration and confirmation by a mobile phone number is a must. Pet owners can login via social networks.

The service shows a number of executed orders of everyone who offers the care. Thus, the website provides for the rating of the proven “holders” of animals.


Each owner can leave feedback about the “holder”. Of course, for greater certainty, you can always take a copy of the documents of the person you trust your pet.

The question of finance arises only at the stage of your personal arrangements with those who agree to look after your pet.

Ivan Denisov, one of the founders Petriek, suggests hotels and hostels for animals to join private individuals.

A nice bonus is the fact that you can take the animal to make sure or give up the idea to have your own pet.
