Home Education Survey: it’s better women stay home

Survey: it’s better women stay home

Photo from www.domashniy.ru

On April 15, in Kharkiv presented the first results of the all-Ukrainian sociological research “Ukrainian landscapes of discrimination” held in all regions of Ukraine (except occupied territories).

The study was conducted by SocioLogist Research Office for the Information Centre “Maidan Monitoring” supported by the European Commission.

According to the survey, 47% of respondents believe that a woman should return to the traditional role in family. For comparison, a similar figure in the US in 2011 was less than 20%.

However, about half of the respondents see an unjustified women’s discrimination (44%). Discriminatory remarks against women are more typical for men.

39% believe that men are entrusted more responsibility than they are able to handle.

About 44% of respondents believe that women unnecessarily receive less job possibilities than men. For comparison, the same indicator in the USA in 2011 was around 50%.

The most visible of those surveyed discrimination against the poor (only 22% of respondents said that discrimination against the poor is a rarity).

The researchers believe the situation with the attitude to sexual minorities is close to catastrophic, but not hopeless.


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