Home Culture Kharkivens will make Ukraine cleaner

Kharkivens will make Ukraine cleaner

Photo from big-radio.ru

On April 25th, Kharkiv will join the Ukrainian ecology movement “Let’s Make Ukraine Clean 2016”.

The campaign is part of a worldwide movement “Let’s Do It World” which brought together 11 million people in 112 countries to take care of the ecology of our planet. This is an annual one day event for cleaning and landscaping littered green areas, and other public places.

“We want to form a society of ecologically responsible people. In order for people to not only clean up after themselves, but to not get used to litter. We want to teach the population how to rid of their litter properly to not damage the environment. We are now actively engaging schoolchildren and students,” said Tata Barvitskaya, project coordinator of Kharkiv.

“Our strategic goal is to develop a culture of proper waste management. We have no understanding of what can and what should be processed, and how to destroy it properly. For this purpose we need to learn how to sort our waste,” said Artem Kosteskiy, the initiator of the project.

Participation sign ups can be done here.