Home Culture Odessa artists to come to Kharkiv

Odessa artists to come to Kharkiv


On March 10 at YermilovCenter (RU), the opening of a collective project Odessa Contemporary Art will take place.

The exhibition contains works by contemporary Odessa artists of different generations, genres and views on art.

All these works aren’t united by one geographic point, although the authors in one way or another are connected with Odessa.

There is no task to break away from the established slightly humorous and picaresque image of the city but the humor and irony is minimized.

A2_OdessaIt is rather an attempt to refocus the contextuality of Odessa Contemporary Art. The context of works comes from “comfort zone” finally escaping from the usual semantic fields of our realities.

Among the participants are known representatives of Ukrainian contemporary art, such as Alexander Roitburd, Igor Gusev, Larisa Zvezdochetova, Sergey Belik and many others.

Of course, the works express the worldview of the author and his subjectivity, but none of artists know the power and vector of the synergy that occurs between the spectator and work of art.

And it is here, in this unknown, lies the main task of the exhibition – not a delineation of problems but curiosity of the experiment. The need to go out of time, context of geographical features and direct immersion into eternity – into art.

The opening of the exhibition – March 10 at 18:00

Address “YermilovCenter” – Kharkiv, Freedom Square, 4 (the main building of Karazin Kharkiv National University)

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 12:00 to 20:00 till March 27

Free admission