Home Kharkiv Local streets with the same names will disappear

Local streets with the same names will disappear

Photo from sfw.so

It is planned to rename 20 streets and lanes with the same names in Kharkiv. The decision was taken on February 19th at the meeting of the city commission on toponymy and protection of historical and cultural environment.

As the executive secretary of the committee Alexey Horoshkovaty pointed out according to the law of Ukraine “On geographical indications” a single administrative unit can not have two identical names.

Typically, from two streets with the same names, one which is smaller or shorter, gets renaming. For example, Bakulina Street which is located near metro station “Naukova” will retain the name when Bakulina Street in the Kyiv District, which is located in the private sector, and consists of five buildings, will be called Partizansky Lane.

In addition, at the meeting, toponymic commission had recommended the names of four new streets and lanes. All recommendations concerning renaming of the streets with the same names will be submitted to the regular session of city council.