Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Yuliya Svetlichnaya reported that since the beginning of the year, two municipal institutions – Regional Children’s Hospital and Lyubotinskaya specialized boarding school I-III stages “Dyvosvit” already use e-procurement system. This was announced by the press service of the KRSA.
According to Yulia Svetlichnaya, these institutions have already managed to save about 55 thousand UAH. This was possible thanks to ProZorro system.
“In 2015, ProZorro system began to be implemented as a pilot project. It can be used for the procurement of goods worth up to 200 thousand UAH. During 2016 all purchases worth more than 200 thousand UAH also moved to an electronic system,” explained the deputy head of the regional administration.
In the pilot stage, state and municipal agencies can join the system ProZorro optional. But soon e-procurement will become mandatory.
“Last year, in December, was established a law on public procurement, according to which from 1 April 2016 all the trades must be carried out via the electronic system,” said the deputy chairman of KRSA.
Since April, the system will begin to work on the ministerial level, and from August 1, the law will come into force for all state and municipal institutions and establishments in the regions.
Recall, new e-procurement system started working for Kharkiv City Council.