Home Culture Kharkivens honored the memory of Afghanistan victims

Kharkivens honored the memory of Afghanistan victims

Photo from city.kharkov.ua

Today, February 15, a meeting dedicated to the 27th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan took place near the monument to fallen soldiers-internationalists. According to the press service of the Kharkiv City Council.

The deputy mayor of Kharkiv Svetlana Gorbunova-Ruban, the representatives of regional authorities, members of local wars and the families of the victims participated in the event.

“Maybe not everyone understands the importance of this day that we celebrate. But it is close to the value of the Victory Day. Over 27 years of Afghan organizations have not lost sight of a single family of the deceased, have not disregarded any name of the deceased, such support is a huge job,” said Svetlana Gorbunova-Ruban.

Participants of the meeting had a minute of silence in memory of the victims and laid flowers to the monument.

As well today, an exhibition dedicated to this memorable date was opened in the State Archives of Kharkiv region (site version only in Ukrainian). The exhibition will run for two weeks ave. Moskovsky, 7.

Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 3.10.27 PM Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 3.10.50 PM Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 3.11.06 PM Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 3.11.21 PMReference. February 15, 1989 the last Soviet troops left the territory of Afghanistan. Since 2004, February 15 is the Day of honoring the participants of operations.

About 5 thousand veterans live now in Kharkiv. About 1 thousand of soldiers-internationalists are people with disabilities. 124 Kharkivens were killed in Afghanistan.