Home Kharkiv Kernes personally is going to check Kharkiv buses

Kernes personally is going to check Kharkiv buses

Photo from www.sq.com.ua

The mayor of Kharkiv Gennady Kernes said that he would personally check the bus carriers that plan to operate in the first capital, as by the press service of the City Council reported.

During the personal reception of citizens in Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University the secretary of administration Irina Nesteruk complained about technical condition of the bus which runs the route №233. According to her, the route that connects the university hostel on Eidemana Street and Pushkinska metro station is serviced by unsafe buses, dangerous to human life.

As a result, the mayor reprimanded the city transport management officials and ordered to put a transporter “Auto-JVI” on a special control.

“I want to warn everyone – I will be personally involved and look at road transport vehicles of those who want to win the tender for transportation. I will investigate the buses for license plates and other requirements, and don’t try to make a photo of the same bus at different angles – it will not pass,” said Gennady Kernes.