Home Events Kharkivens are invited to make a selfie with a policeman

Kharkivens are invited to make a selfie with a policeman

Photo from citynews.ks.ua

The project “My new police: public support for the national police reform” was launched in Kharkiv, where everyone will be able to communicate with the patrol police officers.

The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of citizens about the national police reform in Ukraine, development of productive relationships between the patrol police and citizens, informing citizens on the implementation of reforms.

At the event participants will be able to ask questions and make suggestions, make a photo / selfie, get souvenirs with symbols.

The first event of the project is a meeting “Why did I become a police officer” which will take place on February 11th at 16.00 at the Kharkiv Regional Universal Scientific Library. Information about the exact dates of events will be posted on the social networks.

The project was initiated by the International Board of Research and Exchange (IREX / Ukraine) in partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) with financial support of Drug Enforcement Administration of the USA.