Home Business The Kharkiv machine plants will help India to manufacture helicopters

The Kharkiv machine plants will help India to manufacture helicopters

Photo from en.wikipedia.org

The corporation “FED” and JSC “Motor Sich” are negotiating on a visit to the Indian company HAL to discuss the creation of a light civil aircraft with complete localization of the production in India.

Kharkiv machine-building plant “FED” will participate in joint production in India, as it was discussed during the visit of the Indian delegation, headed by Ambassador of India to Ukraine Manoj Bharti. In particular, the parties talked about cooperation in the helicopter industry and production of light civilian Indian aircraft. Also it is planned “FED” to participate in maintenance of helicopters “Mi” adopted by the Air Forces of India.

As the company press service explained, the plant HAL (India) plans to produce helicopters Ka-226 (400 machines). Negotiations are underway to equip the machines with AI-450 engines, developed by the SE “Ivchenko-Progress”. “FED” manufactures control system for this engine. Now Ka-226 are equipped with engines of American manufacturing Allison 250-S20V.

“Under the program “Made in India” it is possible to produce helicopters without buying the American engines, but having received a license from the Ukrainian company “Motor Sich” it will be possible to implement the engine production in India. I think that the American manufacturer will not offer to produce his engines in India,” the head of the advantages of cooperation of the corporation “FED” Victor Popov stressed.