Home Business Kharkiv officials were generous with premiums for themselves

Kharkiv officials were generous with premiums for themselves


The officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) together with the National Police found out the evidence of embezzlement of funds by officials of the state enterprise for training and retraining of construction workers in Kharkiv who improperly calculated and paid premiums and surcharges.

“The officials during 2011-2015 improperly calculated premiums and surcharges in violation of the law of Ukraine “On payment of labor” and the collective agreement of the enterprise. Management of the enterprise paid to themselves and individual employees additional payments, the size of which reached 500% of the basic salary without proper administrative documents,” announced the press center of the SBU.

During the inspection initiated by the Security Service, the specialists of the State Financial Inspection confirmed the losses incurred by officials of state enterprises in the amount of more than 7,5 million UAH.

On this fact were opened criminal proceedings under Article 191 Part 5 (misappropriation and embezzlement) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

At the moment, the operational investigative measures are continuing to bring to responsibility all officials involved in the corruption scheme.