Home Kharkiv In the Kharkiv region was registered the lowest level of flue morbidity

In the Kharkiv region was registered the lowest level of flue morbidity


Such data announced the Minister of Health Alexander Kvitashvili at a press conference on January 26.

According to him, at the moment the Ministry of Health of Ukraine stated the flu epidemic in the country. As of January 26, the highest level of the flue morbidity fixed in the Rivne region and the lowest – in the Kharkiv region.


“Now the epidemiological level is exceeded in 18 regions of the country, and in 11 regions epidemiological level exceeded by 50%,” said Alexander Kvitashvili.

According to Minister of Health, since October 1, 2015 in Ukraine has been confirmed 83 influenza related deaths. In total for this period there were fixed 2,6 million people suffering from the flu.

Recall, the governing body of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the Kharkiv region reported about 9 districts where was the threat of epidemics and three fatal cases for the last week. Due to the high level of risk it was decided to close some Kharkiv schools. Also Kernes will consider the petition to put schools in quarantine.

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