Home Education Kharkiv police officers are passing work evaluation

Kharkiv police officers are passing work evaluation


The administration of Kharkiv police decided not to wait for the official re-attestation which is scheduled on March and hold their own. About this announced the Head of National Police in Kharkiv region Anatoly Dmitriev on his Facebook page.

On the first stage will evaluate the work of the heads of departments and police departments. The analysis of their work won’t only depend on the crime detection rate but also on the level of public confidence.

According to Anatoly Dmitriev, the administration of the police often hears complaints about the police officers and their relation to the problems of Kharkiv citizens. To reveal the real attitude to security officials, the heads of departments conduct meetings with citizens who will pass an anonymous questionnaire.

The residents of the Kharkiv region will have the opportunity with the help of an anonymous questionnaire to express their opinion on the work of police chiefs in their city or region. If polls indicators within the next month don’t improve – Dmitriev promises that such employees will be dismissed.

“I am ready to stand up for each officer regardless of the number of stars on the shoulder straps if the person is in the right place. If the employee works honestly, treats the citizens with respect, recognize his social responsibility. Otherwise, there is one solution: if you don’t want or can’t work – go away. “Shelter” business and dream to “cadge” at least on Porsche Cayenne – answer in law,” stated Dmitriev.

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