Home Business Department of Artificial Intellect of KNURE joined European program COST

Department of Artificial Intellect of KNURE joined European program COST

Photo from therunet.com

Department of Artificial Intellect of KNURE officially joined the international ICT-project KEYSTONE program COST (managed by the “Horizon 2020”). This information was announced by the official website of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE).

The goal of the COST program is to build a joint European research area, supporting cooperation with the best European scientists and building strong scientific networks.

The project KEYSTONE aims to create a network of scientists who work in industries related to the semantic data management (Semantic Web), information retrieval, artificial intellect, machine learning and natural language processing. This is a collaborative research, studying the key words “search” in structured data sources.

Reference. COST (COoperation in Science and Technology) – an inter-governmental non-profit association, which aims to coordinate national researches at European level. COST program is funded by the European Commission from the budget of the EU Framework Programme. The budget for 2014-2020 is 300 million euro. Funds are provided from the budget of the EU Framework Programme for Science and Innovation “Horizon 2020”.