Home Business Two workers “Kharkivoblenergo” were caught on a bribe

Two workers “Kharkivoblenergo” were caught on a bribe

Photo from huffingtonpost.com

Kharkiv Prosecutor’s Office №5 together with the Economy Protection Office in the region and the Security Service of Ukraine exposed  two employees of the company “Kharkivoblenergo”. This was reported by the press service of the regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Photo from khar.gp.gov.ua
Photo from khar.gp.gov.ua

According to the head of the Kharkiv Office of Public Prosecutor Andrei Bugaev, pre-trial investigation established that the two power engineering specialists received several tranches from the entrepreneur 6000 UAH for the illegal connection to the power supply facilities.

He also added that this is the first result of the newly formed Office of Public Prosecutor in the fight against corruption: “We haven’t had a long time to prepare. We work in the new line-up for almost a month, but the professional staff allows to do tasks quickly and accurately”.

Pre-trial investigation is conducted under Article 368 (“receiving illegal benefits officer”) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now officials are considering this issue and there is a perspective of declaring the actions of both persons involved suspicions and detaining them.

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