Home Business At the end of the year in Kharkiv will appear shopping center...

At the end of the year in Kharkiv will appear shopping center “Nikolsky”


The construction of Shopping and Entertainment Center (SEC) “Nikolsky” is conducted in the center of Kharkiv on Pushkinskaya street, 2. The developer of the project SEC “Nikolsky” the group of companies “Bud House Group” has postponed the opening of the shopping center.

0_a7ebd_b8e6f046_XXL“Bud House Group” planned to open SEC “Nikolsky” for visitors in autumn 2015 but the situation in the country has made adjustments and the pace of construction has slowed. Currently at the construction site of the shopping center ends the construction of the building frame.

DSC_1390“The term of completion is scheduled for late 2016 but it depends on the situation in the country which is difficult to predict,” said the commercial director of the group of companies “Bud House Group” Maxim Gavriushin.

The object is located on a land plot area of 1.46 hectares. The total area of ​​the object including parking will amount to 101.87 thousand of sq. m., retail space – 52 thousand sq. m. The project includes four floors of retail space and two underground floors where will be the underground parking, and one floor of entertainment and fitness club.

43786d262ece896f849236d87f38b1f7At the moment the construction of the building frame is in progress. The construction of the underground floors is completed. The planned completion of construction works is fourth quarter of 2016.