Home Kharkiv Kharkivens will create “The court of the future”

Kharkivens will create “The court of the future”

Photo from www.sq.com.ua

Economic Court of Kharkiv region together with Research Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition of scientific papers “The court of the future”, according to the statement on the website “The judicial power of Ukraine”.

“What is the court of the future? Nobody knows the answer. But, probably, everyone knows what the court should be: honest and fair, swift and right, independent and professional, convenient and comfortable” was noted in the presentation of the contest.

As the organizers emphasized, the competition should help to create a fundamentally new concept of the ideal model of justice based on new ideas and experience in usage of existing information management technologies of the socio-economic processes in the state. Projects from participants are accepted until March 1st, 2016.