Home Kharkiv To remedy effects of snow disaster in Kharkiv cost about UAH 10...

To remedy effects of snow disaster in Kharkiv cost about UAH 10 million

Photo from fakty.ua

Last week in Kharkiv region the heavy rainfall fell because of cyclone which came from the West. The result was the next: thousands of trees uprooted, hundreds of cars smashed, electric wires pulled out together with transmission towers, hundreds of localities left without electricity. Until now, the maintenance teams are still working in the emergency areas, as the press service of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA) reported.

More than 10 million hryvnias has been already spent on the consequences remediation of the abnormal rainfall.

Electricity supply remains the most problematic consequence of the disaster. Because of the wet snow more than 100 wire breaks happened, almost 1,500 private houses and 26 five-story buildings left without power.

About fifty towns in Kharkiv region still have no electricity, according to the press service of regional power distribution company. Liptsy, Lyubotin, New Vodolaga, Zmiiv and Chuguyiv are considered as the most affected areas. 83 teams are proactively working around the clock on the troubleshooting.

“We plan to recover all the de-energized districts, and deal with individual complaints. We have a very large number of individual complaints about wire breaks in the private sector”, the deputy technical director of “Kharkivoblenergo”, Maxim Filippov, stated.

“Some villages were reinforced by additional teams. Today, on December 7th, all the customers will get electricity,” the head of the fuel and energy complex of the KRSA, Alexey Belotskiy, stressed.

Feel free to read the news Will Kharkiv suffer from the fact that Crimea was left without electricity? and Horrible snowfall or how to help the city officials to save Kharkiv?