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The city council will help the small and medium enterprises of the Kharkiv region to enter the export market

Photos from kharkivoda.gov.ua

Press service of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA), reported that on December 3, Deputy Chairman of KRSA Julia Svetlichnaya signed the Memorandum about cooperation between Ukrainian National Committee of International Chamber of Commerce and the regional state administration. This will allow businesses to develop rapidly. Small and medium enterprises of the Kharkiv region will be able to enter the export market.

Svetlichnaya said that opening the regional office of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine) is an important event in the life of Kharkiv and region. “This will enhance business communication and make business take part in a variety of educational achievements, round tables, seminars, not only in Ukraine, but also abroad”, she said.

134a0466-2000x1333-f1f6Secretary General of ICC Ukraine Vladimir Mikhailov said “Our mission is to help the development of international trade and investment through the implementation of best global practices. Our strategic goal – the formation of a positive international image of Ukraine and the creation of a favorable business environment for sustainable development and prosperity.”

12307556_1671191523149484_1394607705753214141_o-1874x1249-ad03Reference: Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine) is part of the global environment International Chamber of Commerce, WBO since 1998. International Chamber of Commerce, WBO (World Business Organization) is an influential non-profit international organization, which was established in 1919 to resolve urgent problems of business development.

Today, the organization brings together leading companies and business associations in nearly 130 countries and has a network of national committees in the 93 countries. The International Chamber of Commerce consists of 6.7 million businesses.