Home Kharkiv Which complaints are Kharkivens addressing to the new police?

Which complaints are Kharkivens addressing to the new police?

Photo from newlife-start.com

Recently, a website of the new Kharkiv patrol police began working in a test mode. This site allows you to fill in the form and report an incident. Using the “Search” button, you can view any complaints, received on the website. It is clearly that in the last 7 days, the site has received a lot of notices of violations from residents.

Notifications received from the site
Notifications which received from the service 102
Notifications received from the service 102

Basically, city residents report about the violators of traffic rules. It is worth noticing that one can attach photos to prove the violation.

Cars blocked the crosswalk
Car blocked the crosswalk

People often submit reports under the topic “The drug pushing spot” in different parts of the city, especially on Saltovka.

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5 icons of “The drug pushing spots”. District Saltovka.
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Three people have bought drugs and swallowed them near drugstore. Suspicion in the use of narcotic drugs outside all-night drugstore.

There are also messages about violations of patrol officers. One of such reports says that on the Academica Pavlova Street, 115, two patrol cars were parked on the curb with the headlights on and directed at the roadway. The applicant claims that police actions could create an accident situation.

The message with the theme "Unlawful actions by the police officer".
The message within the topic “Unlawful actions by the police officer”

Users also report robberies, faulty traffic lights, loud music from neighbors, slot machines, drunk people and illegal selling points.

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Slot machines
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Illegal selling point

As a result, if you want to report a wrongdoing or provide the information on suspicious persons, you only need to select an area, describe the details of the incident, and submit your application. After processing, the reports are sent to the police or  the information is passed to service 102 for further clarification of the circumstances.