“Design night for non-designers” will be held on the night of 6 to 7 February, from 21:00 to 6:00 at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.<\/span><\/p>\n
According to the organizers, the purpose of the event is to introduce participants the basics of modern web-design. This project is organized primarily for those who are not familiar with web-design but want to master modern and creative profession.<\/p>\n
Everyone who doesn’t know how to draw, who is just beginning the way of designer, wants to work in the IT-company, travel the world, and most importantly, who wants to fulfil himself in a creative way, is invited to participate in.<\/p>\n
The organizers promise that for just one night the participants will write a one-page website, possess the necessary skills of Photoshop, learn how to prepare a portfolio and how to find customers and orders.<\/p>\n
The main term for participation is the presence of a laptop and installed Photoshop. The organizers expect that this event will become the first one of a chain of “design night\u00a0challenge” throughout Ukraine, and initiate the emergence of many communities of young and talented professionals.<\/p>\n
To register for the participation in “Design Night” is possible here<\/a>.<\/p>\n